Community Resources

Ways for community members to connect with writing tools and projects at the University of New Mexico.

A Ph.D. program to meet your needs and goals.

Ph.D. in Chicana & Chicano Studies Hyflex/Hybrid Program


We honor the stories of the women and men of Local 890 and to support restoration and preservation of the Local 890 union hall in Bayard, New Mexico.

Salt of the Earth Recovery Project.

View our digital archive dedicated to the people, programs, and projects related to environmental literacy.

Ecoliteracy at UNM.

International Rhino Conservation Project.

Give your cup of coffee to a rhino.

Click here for Ecoliteracy at UNM’s past event PDF

Click here to learn about Cup of Coffee for a Rhino

Click here for song by Hugh Masekela, 1968


A community of environmental writers in Hillsboro, New Mexico.

Black Range Environmental Writers (BREW).